Woodland Burials
The Woodland graves offer a natural form of burial, in which the accumulating graves will remain forever in the newly created woodland. They will have important environmental benefits and in particular, will encourage and protect wildlife. This is, in the true sense, creating life from death.
Existing cemeteries on the lawn grave principle, with uniform memorials set in rows divided by neat lawns, offer easy access to visitors and ensure memorials are safe and clean. None-the-less, the movement away from this type of burial, to cremation, proves that people do not favour the lawn grave. Some of the reasons put forward include the rigid regulations, which make every grave look the same. Others reflect simple opposition to burial, perhaps because the family of the bereaved feel obliged to visit, and care for graves. This certainly influences single people, who have no family and feel their grave would be neglected.
Burial has a poor image, due to neglected cemeteries and churchyards, feelings about "wasting land", the high cost of maintenance and the absence of any long term purpose for old graves. In view of these concerns, most graves are now
"sold" for only 99 years, by which time few people visit or show concern, allowing future generations to re-use graves and overcome many of the problems outlined above.
More recently, a further concern has arisen, regarding the environment. Modern cemeteries offer few benefits to wildlife. Trees which cause shade and leaf discolouration to memorials, result in many complaints. The short mown grass offers no shelter, and destroys all wild flowers and thereby insects, so that the small mammals, hedgehogs, etc. cannot exist. As a direct consequence, many birds and bats have disappeared from modern Cemeteries.
We believe that the public is concerned about environmental damage, and has recognised that burial facilities can be designed to harmonise with our surroundings.
Each tree planted will contribute to helping wildlife and creating life, and will offer psychological and other benefits to the bereaved. Nature will care for the grave and true neglect will be a thing of the past.
The Cemetery has been planned to re-create the traditional woodland, which once covered our Island, this was one of the finest habitats for wildlife.
The new burial area will be set out with each grave permanently located by a grave number. The grave will accept two burials side by side. The first on the 'A' side, the second on the 'B' side. After a burial, a small tree will be planted and the remainder of that side of the grave covered by wild seed.
The grounds are divided into consecrated and unconsecrated portions, as shown by the plans held at Springwood Cemetery Office, Winford Road, Newchurch, I.W. Burials in the Burial Grounds must be in the Grave Spaces shown in the plans. Except in cases of urgent necessity.
Notice is to be given between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm, Monday - Friday, at least two full working days, previous to any interment. The notice shall be in the form provided by the Burial Authority, and shall contain the following details:- Full name of the deceased, Age of the deceased, the date of Death, Address of the deceased, Date of the intended Burial, Time of the intended Burial, Whether consecrated or unconsecrated ground, Whether purchased or not purchased, Name of Minister, Type of Service. All fees and charges in respect of the interment must be paid to William Hall at the time of giving notice. The hours of interment will be between the hours of 9.00am and 3.00pm Monday - Thursday, and 9.00am and 2.00pm on Friday.
When an applicant does not wish to select a grave space, the Burial Authority will allocate a space at their discretion. The selection of the plot in all cases, shall be subject to the approval of the Burial Authority, but the wishes of the applicants will be met as far as is practicable. No metal coffins, coffins of wood only will be allowed. No monument, stone, artificial flowers, vases, water containers, pots, rabbit fences, additional plaques, or ornaments (apart from the official plaque supplied by the Burial Authority) shall be laid upon or over the grave. No edging of graves with stone, wood or any other type of surround, Wind Chimes, Pictures or Solar lights are permitted within the cemetery.
All graves shall be excavated and formed, and soil removed and deposited in accordance with the directions and regulations of the Burial Authority. A Register of all Burials is to be kept at the office of the Burial Authority where, at reasonable times, searches may be made, and Certificates obtained upon payment of the appropriate fee.
Any person who shall:- Wilfully destroy or damage any building, wall or fence belonging to the Burial Authority; Destroy or damage and injure any tree or plant within the area of the Burial Ground; Daub or disfigure any wall or rock thereof; Put up any bill therein; Wilfully destroy or deface any Monument, Tablet, Inscription or Grave Stone within the Burial Ground; Or do any other wilful damage therein, is liable under Act 10 and 11, Victoria, Chapter 65, Section 58, to forfeit to the Burial Authority for every offence a sum specified under the Act.
The Burial Grounds will be open each day under certain regulations throughout the year from 8.00am
- 8.00pm. Children must be accompanied by some responsible person. Visitors will be required to keep on the gravel paths, to refrain from touching the plants and flowers, and to observe and preserve perfect decorum. Dogs will not be allowed in the Burial Ground. No person other than the curator or some other person authorised to do so by the Burial Authority, can be allowed to take charge of, plant or interfere with any grave.
When circumstances render it desirable to deviate from any Regulations, or charges, special application must be made through the curator, to the Burial Authority.
The Certificate of the Registration of Death should be delivered 24 hours previous to the interment, by the person in charge of the funeral to the office of the Burial Authority.
More details on woodlandburials.com.